China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair (CCBF), New Dreams International Little Illustrators Competition (AKA "New Dreams Little Illustrators") is a unique global children's creative and aesthetic education platform organised by the Shanghai International Cultural Association and Shanghai Xinhua Distribution Group Co.,Ltd with the support of the Shanghai Press and Publication Administration. This annual event aims to connect young children worldwide through their mutual love of "reading + drawing".

Founded in 2019, the "New Dreams Little Illustrators Competition" is open to all children under 16. The "New Dreams Little Illustrators" brings together Master illustrators from China and overseas experts in aesthetic education to enable children to discover their artistic talent. In addition to nurturing their imagination and creativity and promoting cultural exchanges, the competition allows children to showcase their talents and fulfil their dream of being artists. Since its inception, the event has received enthusiastic participation from schools, aesthetic organisations, youth organisations and families worldwide. The event is supported by official bodies and attracted attention from the media.

"The New Dreams Little Illustrators advocates for children the joy of reading "To open up the world and use art to realise dreams through books". By collaborating with renowned domestic and international publishers and children's book experts, each year, we will recommend a series of books with a common theme through the "New Dreams Global Children's Reading Promotion Programme" to parents and children. It is hoped that the programme will allow children to draw inspiration from these books and enrich their knowledge while encouraging children to use their artistic skills to interpret their world.
With the ever-changing technological development, not only are things iterating and updating at a faster and faster pace, but interpersonal indifference and antagonism are also gradually emerging. This trend, this world trend, makes us feel like an island, independent and detached, keeping a safe distance from each other.

"Embracing the world and the future" is not only the theme of this year's New Dreams International Little Illustrators Competition but also an attitude towards life where we all hope for a better future. Despite this tide of endless changes, we nonetheless embrace ourselves, our families and our friends. While we receive sunshine with open arms, we should not forget the rain and all that nature brings. It’s the world we live in, and it's also the future. When we show our true feelings, we are free to let our imaginations run wild, and our creativity can realized through the medium of pen and paper. But in times of trouble, be that as it may, accept what is what and let it all out so as not to button it all up. Putting pen to paper can be a bridge over troubled water; we hope that every little illustrators can find their own bridge. No matter what, we believe the world needs both a firm and gentle hand.

In 2024, CCBF New Dreams International Little Illustrators will launch the theme of "Embrace the World and the Future", which is to express the feelings of "heart" from the perspective of "children", encourage the new generation to feel, speak and express, and use their brushes to depict a more gentle attitude towards life and their eagerness for a better future. The theme of "Embrace the World and the Future" was launched by CCBF's "New-Dream" International Little Illustrators, which is based on "children's" perspectives and their "hearts". We encourage the new generation to express their feelings through the use of pen and brushes. Let everyone see the world from the perspectives of the children, their hopes and dreams for the future and their interpretation of life.
Competition is open to any individual child less than 16 years of age, irrespective of nationality. The competition is also open to entry by organisations. Entry is free of charge.
Toddlers: Born after 1st June 2018
Children: Born after 1st June 2014
Teens: Born after 1st June 2008
Original illustrations by children that fit the theme of the competition. We prefer to receive flat/2D works. There is no restriction on the type of medium or material. Children are encouraged to express themselves, using their own imagination to interpret the competition theme.
Entries should be based on a story, with text and audio story description text from the youngster, with the drawing as an artistic representation of the story text—original artwork size: Not greater than 260mm*368mm (Canadian Tabloid) size paper.
Works-of-art previously submitted to the New Dreams Little Illustrators competition will not be accepted.
Entries are open to individuals and institutions
Individual entries can enter by clicking "I Want to Enter" page and fill in the online application.
Organisation entries can enter by clicking "Organisation application" page and fill in the online application.
Please keep your original artwork in a safe place and do not frame it
Original artwork must be provided for the finalists and winners and will not be returned; otherwise, it will be considered as forfeiting the award and the touring exhibition
The organising committee has authorised the establishment of the regional competition in places with a high concentration of applications. The organising committee will appoint an organiser to organise the submissions within these regional competitions.
From now to 31th August (GMT +8, 24:00 )
Open for submission: From now to 31th Aug 2024.
Outstanding Finalist announcement: Oct 2024.
Winners' announcement: Nov 2024.
Awarding e-certificate: Nov-Dec 2024.
Online Exhibition: Oct 2024 to Nov 2025.
Prizegiving and Exhibition of Outstanding entries work at CCBF: Nov 2024.
Official CCBF Certificate and Prizes (if won)
Media Exposure
Be Featured on both national and international media
Intl. Exhibition & cultural exchange prog.
Opportunity to be exhibited internationally and join with cultural exchanges prog.
Bilingual Commemorative Picture Album
Be featured in a Bilingual Commemorative Picture Album
Be a visual effect designer
Have a say to be a part of the design team for competition and be featured on our website
Comments by international award-winning illustrators
Receive comments and guidance by international award-winning illustrators
Popularity Award
Outstanding awards can be awarded The Popularity Awards via online voting
Outstanding Work Award
The best work of the competition selected by the Chinese panel of judges
Competition Winners Award
The winning entry of the competition selected by an international panel of judges
Grand Prize entry (will be invited to the awards ceremony)
Best in Creativity Award
A work of art that is imaginative and shows age-appropriate childishness
Artistic Beauty Award
Artwork that presents an integrated aesthetic in visual arts
Most Promising Artist Award
The work is unique and original in its concept or creative style, expressing the personality and inner thinking of the artist
Star of New Dreams Award
The work has a deep storyline, in line with the theme of the competition, and has an infectious and positive power
Most Popular Entry Award
Chosen among the outstanding works of the competition through online voting
Judges Special Nomination Award
Nominated by the international jury from among the winning entries
Zhang Long

Zhang Long, a far-reaching Chinese oil painter, and director of the Shanghai Oil Painters' Association, has shown his outstanding talent in the field of art since he began his studies in 1984 at the Fine Arts College of the East China Normal University in Shanghai, where he organised the landmark New Portrait Painting Exhibition in 1985, announcing the official start of his artistic career. Zhang Long's art career began in Shanghai in 1985 with the landmark exhibition ‘New Portrait Paintings’.

Zhang Long's artistic footprints are not limited to China; in 1994, his work was exhibited at the Long Island University Museum of Art in New York, and from 1998 to 2010, he held a series of solo exhibitions in various cities in the United States, including Los Angeles' Parkey Gallery, San Diego's Seal Gallery Figi Art, and the Los Angeles Art Expo, each of which attracted high praise from both audiences and art critics. In 2016, his solo exhibition was held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Chicago, and his work was included in the collection of the Chicago Museum of Fine Arts, an important recognition of his artistic achievement.

Abdulla Mohammed Alsharhan
(United Arab Emirates)

Abdulla Mohammed Alsharhan, born in 1981, is an acclaimed Emirati author and illustrator, celebrated for his talents in drawing, writing, and character development. He first gained recognition by winning both Gold and Silver at the Kanagawa Biennial World Children’s Art Awards. Abdulla’s professional journey in publishing began in 2003, leading to significant roles such as the creative director of the Arabic "Sesame Street" and the creator of the popular character "Hamdoon."He founded Ajyal Publishing, focusing on children’s literature, and has authored over 20 children's books, many featured in educational curricula and on television. Abdulla has judged prestigious awards like the Etisalat Award for Arabic Children’s Literature and spoken at numerous events on children’s literature and innovation.

In 2023, he won the Etisalat Award for Children’s Book, the Sharjah Children’s Book Award, and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Award for Arabic Language.

Marina Rouzé

Marina Rouzé is a French painter and illustrator who graduated applied arts in graphic design École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc, Tournai, Belgium. Her book-length children's book il ne faut pas jouer avec les crocodiles won the Gold Medal at the Golden Key Picture Book Writing Competition 2022, and her work I won the Mini Zin-zins award at the Meymac Book Fair 2019. Ms Marina has been illustrating for major well-known publishers since 2001 and has published 16 picture books, in addition to various foreign publishers, youth magazines, academic journals, game makers, and more. She has held three solo exhibitions in Paris, France, and has been invited to conduct illustration workshops for hospitals, exhibitions, schools, libraries and museums.

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